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Increase Your Exposure

Get more traffic and exposure by dominating the top rankings in Google.

Grow Your Customer Base

Drive more customers to your business than any other web marketing strategies.

Increase Your Revenue

Grow your business and revenue with the new leads and customers who want to buy your products and services.

WHY CHOOSE OUR Click Fraud Protection Company?

Whether you need more traffic to your offer, or you need new high converting website or just uplift in your conversion rate we have got you covered.

We plan, research and execute profitable online marketing campaigns that bring more customers and profits for your business with high ROI.

  • Google Partner
  • BBB A+ Accredited Business
  • Dominating Page One of Google
  • All Work is done in-house
  • Creating high converting websites
  • No long term contracts


Browse our locations below

We offer our Google AdWords click fraud detection and prevention, & other search marketing services all over Canada and the United States. All the work we do for our clients can be done remotely but if you are a larger client, we can flying in to help you.
Below are all our locations, and if you don’t see your location don’t worry we have you covered. Contact us today to get started!



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United States



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New Mexico

  • Albuquerque

What Is Click Fraud and How Serious Is It?

Click fraud represents the intentional fraudulent clicking of online ads, and its main scope is racking up expenses for PPC advertisers – since they get charged whenever someone clicks on their ads. It’s gotten so bad that pretty much any online business nowadays has to resort to click fraud protection to keep their advertising budget safe.

That’s not an exaggeration – in 2017, desktop click fraud alone has risen from 20% to 25%. Desktop display web clicks also saw an increase of 34.6%!

Things got to a point in 2017 where it was safe to say that 1 in 5 clicks were fraudulent. And when a single ad click can cost you around $5 (that’s a general estimation – sometimes the price can be much higher), it’s easy to see how click fraud can ruin your marketing strategies.

Click fraud

What’s worse, besides costing you money, click fraud can also disrupt your company’s analytical data. In turn, that impacts the marketing decisions you have to make for your business.

For instance, let’s say you have a profitable keyword you use in your ads that delivers a decent conversion rate. Well, once click fraud comes into play, you might end up getting rid of that keyword once you see the analytics – all because you have no context as to why the click-through-rate suddenly got so high, and the conversion rate stayed so low. From your point of view, it might just seem the keyword is no longer profitable (even though it is) – not that it is being abused by click fraud.

When talking about click fraud, most people will refer to Google AdWords. However, you need to understand that this type of fraud applies to any search engine that features PPC ads.

Who’s Usually Behind Adwords Click Fraud?

You might think that some fake clicks might be due to people accidentally clicking on your PPC ads. While that can happen, it usually can’t cause enough damage to warrant being called click fraud (unless your marketing message is just way off). Plus, the key element of click fraud is the fact that it’s intentional.

So, the answer isn’t as simple as you’d want it to be. When it comes to Google Adwords, fake clicks can be caused by various parties:

1. Your Competitors

Since PPC can often turn into bidding wars between you and other advertisers, there is a chance some of them would try to waste your daily ad budget by fraudulently clicking on your ads. If they manage to do that, your ads will be turned off for the day, and the competitors will be able to display their ads instead.

Some competitors might even take it to the next level and use Adwords click farms to speed up the depletion of your budget. Click farms can either be low-paid workers hired to click on ads, or hundreds or thousands of server-managed smartphones that run click bots.

Both large and small companies are affected by this, but large companies that don’t set a daily budget have more to lose (up to thousands of $ per day) since there is no limit to how much damage click fraud can do to them.

Click Fraud Prevention

Of course, we’re not saying you should outright accuse all your competitors of engaging in click fraud. It’s just that – most of the time – they are the likely suspects.

2. Unhappy Customers

A rare occurrence, but it can happen. Some people might just have a strong enough grudge against your company to try to harm your marketing budget. You can try to offer top-notch customer care to prevent this, but it’s not always guaranteed to work.

Fortunately, this doesn’t happen too often, and – even when it does – it can’t really cause enough damage.

3. Click Fraud Rings

These groups target ad networks with the sole purpose of making a lot of money as fast as possible. Usually, click fraud rings rely on automated programs – especially Adwords click bots.

As a general rule of thumb, if you’re a small business, you might not get affected by click fraud rings, as they usually target really expensive keywords that are used by large companies.

4. Webmasters
As long as a webmaster has an Adsense account, they can display Google ads on their websites. If you have the Display Network option enabled, your ads might be displayed on 3rd party websites.

Since webmasters make money for every person who clicks on the ads displayed on their website, some of them might be tempted to click on the ads themselves. Despite that being a violation of Google’s terms, it still happens.

So, if any of your ads are displayed on a fraudulent webmaster’s website(s), they might be subjected to fake clicks.

Are Your competitors clicking on Your Ads? Click Fraud Detection

Is Click Fraud Detection Possible?

Yes, it is, though handling it on your own can be a huge time-sink. We’re talking about wasting hours and hours combing through thousands (even hundreds of thousands – if your website has a lot of traffic) of IPs to see which ones show up too much, or are from countries you don’t even target with your ads.

Not to mention you’ll also have to analyze the traffic your website gets as well. You need to closely look at it to see if the ad click-through-rate is balanced with the sales conversion rate.

Don’t worry, though – if you can’t risk putting too much time and effort into all that, you can just do the next best thing: Invest in click fraud prevention services!

Click Fraud Protection and Prevention

Click Fraud Prevention and Protection

We here at Superb Systems can offer you the click fraud protection you deserve. Best of all – it’s automated so there’s no extra effort on your part required! With years of experience under our belt, we can help you

  • Stop competitors clicking your Adword ads with fraudulent intent.
  • Keep your PPC ads safe from click fraud groups and click bots.
  • Automatically hide your ads from fraud attacks.
  • Get in-depth analytics through comprehensive reports.
  • Personalize click fraud detection to ensure only real customers see your ads.
  • On top of that all, we will provide you with constant click fraud monitoring to make sure your marketing campaigns and budget are never in danger.

    Stop Loosing money on fraudulent bot clicks!

    Click Here To Get Started


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